Wednesday, June 3, 2009

We're Baaaaaack!

Sorry this took so long to post, it has been a heck of a week. First, let me start off on the positive by saying that 11 days of vacation in AZ was awesome. It's the longest I've ever been away from work and it was much needed. So was the family time, both seeing my brother and his family as well as just spending time with my family. Much to my surprise, 102 degrees wasn't bad, it really is a dry heat. For example, last Saturday I went for a 45 min walk at 2 pm in 100 degree heat and actually enjoyed myself. Granted, you have to drink about a liter of water every hour to stay hydrated but once you have that concept drilled into your brain you're good to go. The first couple days was an adjustment for me. I wasn't drinking near what I should and actually got "the spins" and took a nap thinking I could sleep them away. I later learned I was dehydrated. If you ask Jackson what he did for vacation you'll get the highlights "airplane, train, horses (carousel), elk (mountains), swimming, park, Baby Rohan, Puppies, Aunt Mara". He leaves out Uncle Mike, then again, we all try too (see video). That's about it for vacation.

The last day Jackson finally warmed up to Rohan - it was adorable!

Now for the negative...We returned home Sunday afternoon and unpacked. Monday night my Grandma had a stroke. Tuesday Chris left for Montreal, he's gone through Saturday. Wednesday (today) is Mike & I's birthday. Lets see what Thursday brings... Trying to digest the fact my Grandma had a stroke has been hard. For those who know her you understand, it's my Grandma! It's the first time in all her 80 years she has been in the hospital. I can't begin to tell you the time we had telling the RN that she hasn't broken a bone, ha tubes in her ears, she still has her adenoids, tonsils, etc. I do know this, she hates being there and her fighting German and dairy farmer spirit has show itself a couple times. There's also another side that I haven't seen before...For those of you who have seen a close loved one in a hospital bed before you know, it knocks you to your knees.


Trish said...


I'm glad you had a great time visiting AZ. The videos are so cute, especially the one of Rohan and Jackson! I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there.


Natasha said...

Happy Birthday michelle! Hows gma Bet doing? I havent heard much. try and keep your chin up and i hope you have a good rest of the week!! <3 ya

Timothy and Allison Peet said...

Glad you had such a wonderful and relaxing time in AZ. From the pics and videos, you all had a blast! Your family is in our thoughts, and hope Grandma is doing OK.