Thursday, May 28, 2009

Still in AZ: Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument

Chris and Jackson arrived in Phoenix on Monday night (12:30 am CST, so actually Tuesday morning for them). We decided to give Mike & Mara some time to settle in to their new state and surroundings so we headed for Flagstaff, AZ for 3 days, 2 nights. Among the many things we have done so far, one of the most awe inspiring was Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument. It's basically a volcano that arose from a series of eruptions sometime between 1040 and 1100. It was utterly incredible to see, the photos and this description will not begin to do it justice. The lava was thrown with such force there are "lava dunes" on neighboring mountains. The landscape is like nothing I have ever seen and the environmental adaptations by both flora and fauna is inspiring. If you're ever near Flagstaff check this place out!

1 comment:

Gatfly said...

Another variation of AZ landscape - beautiful! So glad you were available to be so much help for M&M's move - thanks!