As I said in my previous blog posting, Jackson got to spend the entire weekend with his Aunt Jen (Tanta) and Uncle Tony. He did a lot of fun stuff, some of which includes playing Tony's guitar (real and fake), going to the Bettendorf Children's Museum, the dog groomer, lunch and dinner on the town, and lots of fun time with Jen, Tony, Annie and Shelby. Not to mention he got to spend part of Friday and Sunday with Grandma, Grandpa, Na-Na, Taylor and Kaylee. By the time I picked him up Sunday night at 8:30 pm he was exhausted.
I missed him terrible, more than I realized until I held him. Here's a photo of my angel Sunday night after I finally let him out of my arms.
After he was in bed I went through his clothes to find a couple of nice surprises. First, my sister had typed up the activities Jackson did while he was there. It's great as a mom to get this so I don't feel like I missed out. Then, I found the note that said all the clothes in his overnight bag were washed. NO LAUNDRY TO DO!!! Now that's a gift! Besides that he came back with "a couple" more toys than he was sent with : )
He slept in Monday morning until 8:45 am, the latest he has ever slept in! I worked from home in the morning knowing he would need the extra shut eye. The rest of Monday he was a complete ham (see photo below).
Wow he looked like he had a blast!
That orange truck reminded me of the "train station" at the Hardees in Northpark Mall...
Wow, he's getting to be such a big boy! Looks like he had a great time.
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