Friday, January 25, 2013

They're Here!

They're a 'little' early (77 days) but they're here!!!
My twin brother Mike & his wife Mara had their twin girls, Prana and Tesla, yesterday. Everyone is doing well. Here are the girls' stats:
Born at 29 weeks on 1-24-13
Tesla Avery, 2lbs 3oz (990g), 14.5", 4am
Prana Claire, 2lbs 8oz (1130g), 15", 8am
Here are some early photos of my precious nieces and a few with their proud Dad.
 JUST born
Prana and her Daddy
Tesla being fed
 Tesla with her Daddy
Tesla getting a little fresh air.

1 comment:

Jalene said...

Congrats on your newest nieces!