Monday, August 13, 2012

Our First Packer Family Night

What took us so long to attend one of these? It's the one game of the year that's actually affordable and we can get tickets too! I was impressed with $10 tickets, $5 parking (in the Lambeau Field parking lot), and $2 soda, hot dogs, brats, etc. Plus, more games and Packer "stuff" than any little boy could ask for. We arrived about 3 hours before the scrimmage started and enjoyed some games, food and the all important tailgating.

Once we made our way in to the stadium we walked around and Jackson (& us) took in all the excitement and tradition. Once we found our seats you could feel the energy. We were treated to the awesome arrival of the U.S. Army Golden Knights parachuters. Now these guys are a performance all their own. What a treat it was to see their decent and precise landings.

The biggest surprise of the evening came even before the scrimmage started. Our good friends had seats one row back from us! Of the 70,000 tickets sold we all ended up sitting together. I should have bought a lottery ticket that day....

Chris explaining to Jackson why this screech owl is in a wildlife sanctuary (lost it's eye after being hit by a car).

This guy in the cow costume didn't expect Jackson to nail the target on the first try. He's about to get wet...
(BTW - look at how disgusting that water is!)
The "Touchdown Cow". A new Packer mascot?
A drunk and crazy Packer fan Jackson wanted to take a picture with. He was not the exception, he was the norm.
Tailgating isn't complete with out a few games of catch.
An adorable photo of Jackson and Daddy.

Again, more cows...
 Just arriving at the stadium. He is taking it all in.
 Mom and Jackson before the scrimmage starts.
A rare family photo.
What a beautiful night for the parachuters and for Family Night.
US Army Golden Knight landing, with ease, right where he wanted.


Me said...

It is me, or did Jackson's spiral look better than Chris'? :P
Looks like Jackson had a blast!

Jalene said...

Wow, what a fun time for a family in Green Bay. So, jealous! Go Pack Go!