Sunday, August 19, 2012

Going to the Wilderness

No, we didn't head up north or out west to the natural wilderness, quite the opposite actually. We met up with some dear friends and their families to enjoy the many water parks and perks that comes with staying at the Wilderness Resort in the Wisconsin Dells.

The Resort is dizzying with so many things to do and see. As far as the kids cared as long as it had water they were in heaven. No matter what, you can never go wrong bringing kids to a water park. Our little munchkins played and played all day. The only downtime we took was to eat and once to make a special trip to the "Polka Dot Pots" workshop inside the hotel. The never ending play all day allowed everyone to take a little time to create. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the kids play until their little bodies could go no more. By day three the adults were a bit wiped out too!

Thank you to Leah, Ryan, Shawna, Andy and their families. We had an unbelievable time catching up with everyone. I already miss the laughing...but there's always next year! Start thinking where and when now, it'll take a year just to coordinate our schedules!

Chris, Jackson and I enjoyed some relaxing down time the afternoon we arrived.
For Jackson, now-a-days, that means sitting for all of 2 minutes...

The pottery place. Chris made me an amazing coffee mug (see below) that depicts me running in the morning. It really turned out amazing (see below)!
Jackson was adamant he painted a jet NOT an airplane. God forbid... : )

 Me and my boy taking a quick brake from swimming to grab a bite to eat.
I love my little man!

 The picture above and below show Jackson and his buddy Caden dancing like crazy kids while we dined on the patio at Monk's. It was about 9 PM and we were all a little loony after a long day at the water park.

Awww...Jackson's buddy Parker is 100% cashed out after a day at the water park.

 Parker and Jackson hold on for dear life in the wave pool.

 The photo above and below show Jackson on his favorite slide. I can't even begin to guess the number of times he went down this thing.

1 comment:

Me said...

We should defiitely get the boys together for a water park trip sometime too! Rohan has really taken to swimming (daily) so he'd love it! Last time we were at the Dells Rohan was only a couple months old...:)