Sunday, September 20, 2009

It's All About Perspective

On the way down to Appleton on Saturday Jackson and I had a rather funny conversation as we traveled down Highway 41. The conversation went as follows:

Jackson (pointing outside the window): "Whoa! Look!"

Mommy: "Good job Jackson, that's a power plant! (I had pointed out this plant before) It's called the Fox Energy Center. It's a peaker plant with two gas turbines."

Jackson cocked his head to one side, looking puzzled, and said: "No Mommy, cows!"

Both of us were technically correct, see photo below, but we couldn't have been having a more different conversation. It's all about perspective!
From Quarry Quest 2009


Me said...

You are an energy much so you thought Jackson was amazed at the Peaker Plant instead of the cows.

Gatfly said...

Good for Jackson! Gotta support those Dairy Farmers!!

Natasha said...

haha omg thats funny!