Thursday, July 3, 2008

Vacation Day 1

We don't leave for San Diego until tomorrow morning but I took a vacation day to spend time with my Grandma, brother and Mara while they are visiting. Chris has been away on business since Tuesday so it was just Jackson and I most of the week. Today we got up and went to the park and then headed to Starbucks and the mall with Mike and Mara. Jackson and I had a fun time (as always) with Mike & Mara. He remembered them from our trip to MO last week and took right to them. Around noon we headed to the condo to spend the rest of the day with my parents and Grandma. It was such a beautiful day (75 degrees and sunny) we did a lot of walking and Mike and Mara volunteered to watch Jackson so I could get a good run in. It's hard to squeeze them in when Chris is out of town. Unfortunately, I forgot to put on sunscreen so after 4.5 miles of running and 3 miles of walking I am burnt. So I'll be starting my trip to CA with a sunburn. That should feel "great" on a plane with Jackson climbing all over me.

The flight to and from San Diego has been an issue for me. I've been freaking out about this plane trip with Jackson for about 2 months. Luckily some friends have already done this with a one year old and had some great tips and not so horrible experiences to share. We have just about every "just in case" item you can think of, including a DVD player and DVDs a co-worker lent me. It pays to work with fantastic people!

Keep your fingers crossed all goes well.

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