Halloween wasn't just a day at our house this yea. Last weekend my sister and my nieces came up for a long weekend. Saturday evening was especially fun as it started out at the pumpkin patch where each of us picked out our own golden orb to mutilate. Jackson picked a HUGE pumpkin that he had to roll to the car. We asked him about his pumpkin and he replied (serious as a heart attack) "She's a beauty!".
After we loaded six pumpkins in the car we noted that my car listed slightly towards the back end. How we didn't bottom out on the way home is still a mystery to me. Lets just say my shocks got a good workout.
Once we got home and all set up to carve my parents and a good family friend joined us for the carving, food and fun. Roasting and eating the (heavily) salted pumpkin seeds was almost as enjoyable as the carving!
Our dinner: Pumpkin-shaped pizza from Papa Murphy's
Getting started and realizing our daunting task of removing and separating out all the seeds.
Everyone pitches in to help carve.
Jackson using a little saw tool to carve.
This simple tool made me VERY nervous but he insisted he could do it so the worried Mom in me let him exert some independence...for another 30 seconds or so before I changed out his choice in tools.
The pumpkin seeds didn't make it...
After posting a picture of our pumpkin-shaped pizza on FB a good friend asked if I had any of the pizza that night. I responded with this picture and the caption "No, I drank my dinner!". She's a good friend and knows the answer to both of those statements:
1- No, I didn't eat any of the pizza.
2 - I don't drink my dinners.
: )
Now for Halloween night! We had another couple and their kids over for what has become a bit of a tradition. Just like last year we went trick or treating and then headed back to the house for chili to warm us up. The younger boys only lasted an hour in the cold and faded after running most of that hour. That worked out fine though, they made out like bandits in that hour.
It's cut throat determining who gets to the door first!
But once there both boys were always polite...until they got their candy and then OFF to the next house!
Jackson was Clay Mathews for Halloween. He wouldn't do the hair though. :(
I wanted him to wear a long haired wig doused with water that he could flip around. A classic Mathews move but he would have non of it.
Surveying their loot. He didn't even stop to take off his gloves and hat. Priorities!
The boys enjoy some post-candy football in the family room. Whatever helps wear off the sugar high!
The end result of Halloween: He came down from the sugar high and crashed hard at bedtime...which was about 45 min later than usual. Oh well, it's Halloween!!!
1 comment:
Wow that was quite a load of pumpkins. Good thing you had a whole crew along to carve them. The pumpkin pizza is cool. Chili is a great Halloween night dinner. Ah, that would have been awesome if Jackson wore the wig!
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