Sunday, December 21, 2008

Gearing up for Christmas

Friday night after dinner Jackson got done washing his hands and, as usual, wanted to keep playing in the water. I decided what the heck and sat him down on a towel with some miscellaneous Tupperware, a bowl of water and some cooking utensils. I don't think my child could have asked for anything else, he got so much joy out of such simple things (I think there's a lesson there).

That evening I was on one of my OCD vacuuming missions in the basement while Jackson followed me around (he loves the vacuum). Next thing I know he's crying and has a bloody lip! I have no idea what happened but when I shut the vacuum off he really turned on the water works yelling "vacuum!". Turns out the pain from his lip was nothing compared to the pain of no vacuum. Whatever, the vacuum went back on.

Saturday my parents watched Jackson while Chris and I braved the Fox River Mall (Appleton) for final Christmas shopping. I ended up getting a couple Christmas gifts for myself at Scheels (running "stuff")and Ann Taylor (I can't help myself at this store!). Chris is getting his gift next weekend when we head to Cabela's for the day (Milwaukee). We finished up our shopping and took a little time for a late lunch and coffee/tea at Barnes & Noble.

To sum up the weekend Jackson provided us with some Sunday sass. He was "on" all afternoon. We went to the Y to swim and then came home and played lots of hide-and-seek. He was also showing us how to count to 5. We do this with him when he's getting his diaper changed. I think it's more rote memorization that understanding but as a parent it made me smile never-the-less. Enjoy the videos.

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